Thursday, October 25, 2012

Different Types of Wedding Flower Bouquets

A bouquet is complete essential for a bride, her wedding dress. Without a bouquet, the bride can not look as good as it would be with him. There are different types of bouquets. Every bride has her own choice of a bouquet of flowers, and they are usually taken in addition to the bride and her wedding dress. There are so many ways that the bride takes time, not only in the choice of flowers that will be best for her bouquet, but also the style that fits you best.

Style a wedding bouquet is the traditional style called Posy bouquet. It is a small bouquet that can be held in one hand and is usually around. The flower stalks are bound to hold together in satin or a big bow around her. Another type of wedding bouquet bouquet bouquet is. It is small and round and is a mixture of flowers and leaves. The idea for this type of bouquet is the year 1980, when flowers were placed in a tight bouquet with tulle not support. Add style bouquet was upgraded to satin or organza ribbons or maybe even a bigger bouquet.

The bouquet is a bouquet Bieder Mier beautiful wedding of. His inspiration from Europe The flowers in this bouquet are held closely and are prepared with great care in a narrow, round shape. It usually contains flowers of various colors. More precisely, the style of this bouquet from Switzerland in the late 1800s. In the early years, the orange peel or lemon was added to the mixture to add flavor. The bouquet Bieder Mier a very special geometry, which adds its beauty. Creates dramatic contrast it with its shape and contrasting colors brought her back to attention. Many brides are now opting for this style for a bouquet.

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